As you can tell from the number of items listed below, Chandika is my favorite herbal product company. It was founded by a Vedic Master of product formulation, my mentor Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra himself. 

These days, products are ‘formulated’ in a very haphazard way: companies read the research on some nutrient or herb or nutraceutical and then they combine them and call it a formula. 

This is not how it was done in Vedic times – herbal remedies were very carefully created in order to maximize healing and mitigate side effects. Of all the products that I have tried, Chandika’s products have proven to be the most pure, pristine and effective. Their herbs are grown and processed according to the ancient shastras (texts that were compiled thousands of years ago and are aligned completely with nature’s functioning.) and one can really feel the difference.

I'll make specific recommendations in the categories below, and you are welcome to order what catches your eye. To receive a discount: 
    1) Use code SRW5 in comments box upon checkout
    2) Click here to access the products.


Learn More about Chandika's Unique delivery system

Vaidya Mishra, one of the top herbal formulators of his time and founder of the Chandika line of Herbal formulations, invented a unique delivery system for many of the most powerful herbs that bypass the toxic, modern liver and deliver the unaltered vibration of the herb to all the cells of the body.   

Instead of the whole herb, which has to be digested by the stomach and metabolized by the liver, Vaidya Mishra was able to capture the subtlest vibrational essence of the herbs (sukshma bhag), which needs no digestion. This includes the prabhavas (special medicinal qualities) of the herbs.

These Herbal Memory Nectars do not have to pass through the digestive system or the liver. The vibration of the herbs is captured in this formulation and is absorbed transmucosally and then immediately travels to the organs and systems where they are needed.

Have a question about Chandika's delivery system?  Contact Dr. Lisa!

Chandika's Unique Delivery Systems

Learn more about CHandika

A Note About Nutrients in Pill Form

These are unusual times. I don’t usually recommend taking nutrients in pill form. There are so many factors that may cause your body not to incorporate those nutrients correctly. But if you are browsing through my store and not working with me personally, or if you don’t know about SVA and how to get most of your nutrients through food and herbs, then I have curated and chosen some products that are the next best thing. Hypoallergenic and non-toxic compared to many of the things out there being recommended. 


Fullscript is my online herbal and supplement dispensary where you can purchase many of the best high-end doctor’s only products. 

Clicking below, or on some of the recommended products listed, will take you to my dispensary homepage where you will be asked to log in.

I have set you up with a 10% discount site-wide.  Feel free to use this discount on any products that you would like to try. Free shipping on orders $50 or more.

Shop Fullscript Products



Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Air tube Headsets

Ever since my husband and I unknowingly lived right above 24 smart meters, I have been sensitive to EMF’s. As a result I have studied on the subject extensively, especially doing research on what works. Below are some of those items.

EMF Protection

EMF Support

Whether we feel it or not, we are almost constantly being negatively affected by EMF’s.  They are invisible and almost impossible to avoid. We are bombarded by EMF’s from our own cell phones, other people’s cell phones, computers, smart meters, and on and on.

Therefore, in addition to offering some effective EMF protection devices (see above), I also highly recommend the following products from Chandika  -  products which clean and reestablish the nadis, the channels which carry life energy (prana) to all the organs and systems in the body.

Learn More

You see, the reason that EMF’s cause such horrible damage and so quickly is that they corrupt the vibrational channels of the body and travel deep into the physiology causing great harm.

By using the products below, you can regularly open and support your vibrational channels, called nadis, making them more intelligent so that they can get rid of vibrational toxins (EMF’s),  thereby protecting the organs and systems of our bodies.

Click here to read more about the channels of our bodies and how we can keep them clean.

Learn more

Ida and Pingala (Nasya Oil)

Maha Marma Oil

Flex'n Flow Mist

Flex'N Flow Cream

We now have some amazing remedies available to actually help clean our nadis.  Using them daily will certainly go a long way to keep the negative effects of EMF’s at bay.  They are Maha Marma Oil on the Maha Marma or Bregma, Ida and Pingala Oil in the nostrils, Karna Oil on the tissue of the outer ear, and Herbal Mouthwash into the mouth.   Rose Body Silk on the wrists, inhaling deeply while holding the wrists up to the eyes, and then Flexn’Flow swiped down the spine, and arms and legs.  See below for more details.

EMF Support Products to Clean the Nadis





These are unusual times. I don’t usually recommend taking nutrients in pill form. There are so many factors that may cause your body to not incorporate those nutrients correctly. But if you are browsing through my store and not working with me personally on your health, if you don’t know about SVA and how to get most of your nutrients through food and herbs, then I have curated and chosen some products that are the next best thing. Hypoallergenic and non-toxic as compared to many of the things out there being recommended. And as or more effective.

Immune System Support



Easy Lax Capsules

SVA Mom's Super Spice

There are so many factors that influence digestion. And our gut is so so important. It has been noted that the gut is the ‘seat of the immune system. Without working with you personally it would be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of discomfort. But there are some things that I can suggest that will help most people have a better digestive experience.

Digestive Support


Maha Boswelia Herbal Nectar Drops


Flex'N Flow Cream

Our bodies give us pain signals for a reason. It is important to uncover their source. By addressing the CAUSE of the pain, we have the best success at ending the pain. But sometimes, for those aches and pains that get in the way of a daily task, we can cheat for a few minutes and get some relief and at the same time temporarily open constricted channels that can lead to the pain.


SVA Clarity Soap

Rasa Sodaka Oral Chelation toothpaste – Organic Peppermint

Neem and Brahmi Liquid Soap

Lalita’s Facial Oil with Collagen & Beta Carotene

 Ideally we wouldn’t apply anything to our body that we wouldn’t put into our mouths. This is because everything that we apply on our skin gets absorbed right into our bloodstream! For this reason, I feel very confident in recommending Chandika’s personal care products. Here are a few:

Personal Care Products

Have a question about a product?

Contact Dr. Lisa

Product Disclaimer: All claims about these products are made by the individual companies, not myself, and have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).  The rest are just my personal experiences with the products, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.