Chandika makes some wonderful pure soaps. Clarity is one of them.
Regular soaps strip your skin of its natural oil balance, drying it out, depleting its friendly bacteria, and delivering synthetic toxic chemicals, preservatives, and fragrances to your entire physiology.
The skin is governed by 3 ayurvedic principles. When you use soaps and cleaning products with chemicals, you disrupt the balance established by these 3 ayurvedic principles and you can eventually develop chronic skin imbalances.
Vaidya’s unique SVA aromatherapy soaps are made with the best organic Shea Butter, and pure flower and plant essences, to achieve optimal therapeutic benefits. Clarity Soap contains cedarwood essential oil which is soothing and grounding. It stimulates the limbic system of the brain, helping to elevate our mood and overcome stress, hence Cedarwood's potential in relaxing and helping with focus. It also contains Ylang Ylang which provides relief from stress, anger, and anxiety, strengthens the nervous system, and helps maintain healthy skin.
Price: $5.99 - USE CODE ‘SRW5’ FOR 5% OFF
Product Disclaimer: All claims about these products are made by the individual companies, not myself, and have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The rest are just my personal experiences with the products, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.